Curriculum Guides
Adventures in Architecture: An Activity-Based Science Curriculum, Project Adventure,
Libby Palmer et al. Needham Heights, MA: Simon & Schuster Custom Publishing, 1999.
Amazing Hands-On Map Activities, Rose Forina. New York: Scholastic, Inc., 2001.
America's Architectural Roots: Ethnic Groups that Built America, Dell Upton, ed. New
York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1995.
Architecture & Children Poster Set by Anne Taylor. Washington, DC: The American Institute of Architects and School Zone Institute, 1987.
Architecture And Children: A Teachers Guide by The School Zone Institute. Seattle,
Washington: Architecture and Children Institute, 1991. ISBN 0-913947-06-7
Architecture And Engineering: An Illustrated Teacher's Manual on "Why Buildings
Stand Up" by Mario Salvadori and Michael Tempel. New York: The New York
Academy of Sciences, 1983.
Architecture In Education by Mary Abhau, ed. with Rolaine Copeland and Greta Greenberger. Philadelphia: Foundation for Architecture, 1986. (available from LBD:NY)
Architecture Is Elementary: Visual Thinking Through Architectural Concepts by Nathan B. Winters. Salt Lake City: Peregrine Smith Books, 1986. ISBN 0-87905-186-8
Architexture: A Shelter Word by Sally J. Patton and Dianne Maxon. Tucson, Arizona:
Zephyr Press, 1989. ISBN 0-913705-38-1
Beginning Experiences in Architecture: A Guide for the Elementary School Teacher by George E. Trogler. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1972.
Box City by Ginny Graves. Prairie Village, Kansas: Center for Understanding the Built
Environment, 2001.
Building A Community by Julie Maurer. Newark, NJ: The New Jersey Historical Society, 1999.
Building Connections: Enriching Learning Through the Power of Architecture and
Design by Jan Hempel. Washington, DC: The American Architectural Foundation, 1999.
Built Environment and Design Education for Children: 1991 by Mojdeh Baratloo, and
Jane Dodds. New York State Council on the Arts, 1991.
Children's Participation: The Theory and Practice of Involving Young Citizens in
Community Development and Environmental Care by Roger Hart. London: Earthscan, 1997.
The Community as Classroom: A Teacher's Manual by Frances Eberhart, ed. New
York: The Historic Districts Press, 1996. (available from LBD:NY)
Creating Better Cities with Children and Youth: A Manual for Participation by David
Driskell. London: Earthscan, 2002.
D.I.Y: Design It Yourself by Ellen Lupton. Princeton: Princeton Architectural Press,
Design and Drawing: An Applied Approach by Richard L. Shadrin. Massachusetts:
Davis Publications, 1992.
Design and Technology, 5-12 by Pat Williams and David Jinks. London: Falmer Press,
Design as a Catalyst for Learning by Meredith Davis et al. Alexandria, VA: Association
for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1997. ISBN 0-87120-284-0
Design Technology: Children's Engineering by Susan Dunn. London: Falmer Pr, 1989.
Designing for Children: The Art of Graphic Design by Steven Heller and Steven
Guarnaccia. New York: Watson-Guptill Publications, 1994.
Designing Playgrounds by Jan Ham. Menlo Park, California: Dale Seymour Publications,
1998. ISBN 1-57232-275-6
Draw! A Visual Approach to Thinking, Learning, and Communicating by Kurt Hanks
and Larry Belliston. Crisp Publications, Inc., 1992.
Exploratorium Guide to Scale and Structure : Activities for the Elementary Classroom
by Barry Kluger-Bell. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann Publishers, 1995.
Historic Preservation Education Champaign, IL: Educational Concepts Group, 1980.
How to See by George Nelson. (Available at
How to Turn a Place Around, ed. Project for Public Spaces. Project for Public Spaces,
Inc, 2000.
Introducing Design: Technology Across the Curriculum by Tristram Shepard. UK:
Nelson Thornes, Ltd., 1991.
Learning to Look: Handbook for the Visual Arts by Joshua Taylor. Chicago: University
of Chicago Press, 1981.
Mapmaking with Children: Sense of Place Education For the Elementary Years by David
Sobel. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann Publishers, 1949. ISBN 0-325-00042-5
MARA: Mathematics/Architecture Related Activities by The University of the State of
New York. Albany: The State Education Dep't., Bureau of Curriculum
Development, 1982. (available at
Our Man-Made Environment-Book Seven by The Group for Environmental Education,
Schoolyards to Skylines: Teaching with Chicago's Amazing Architecture by Jean
Linsner and Jennifer Masengarb. Chicago, Illinois: Chicago Architecture
Foundation, 2002. (available at
The Source Book 2, Learning by Design by Alan Sandler, editor. AIA Press, 1988.
Structural Design Challenges: Design Technology Projects for Grades 3-8 by Jan Ham.
Franklin, Massachusetts: Architectural Education Resource Center, 1996.
Structures: Grades 5-8 by Bernie Zubrowski. White Plains, New York: Cuisenaire
Company of America, Inc., 1993. ISBN 0-938587-35-8
Students, Structures, Spaces: Activities in the Built Environment by Aase Eriksen, and Marjorie Wintermute. Menlo Park, California: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1983.
Teaching With Historic Places, A Curriculum Framework for Professional Training and
Development of Teachers, Preservationists, and Museum and Site Interpreters by Charles S. White and Kathleen A. Hunter. Washington, DC:
National Trust for Historic preservation, 1995. (
Thinking with Type: A Critical Guide for Designers, Writers, Editors, & Students by
Ellen Lupton. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Architectural Press, 2004.
Transformations: Process and Theory: A Curriculum Guide to Creative Development,
by Doreen G. Nelson. Santa Monica, CA: Center for City Building Educational Programs, 1984.
Walk Around the Block by Ginny Graves. Prairie Village, Kansas: Center for Understanding the Built Environment (CUBE), 1992.
What Style is It? A Guide to American Architecture by John C. Poppeliers. Wiley:
revised edition, 2003.
Why Design?: Activities And Projects from the National Building Museum by Anna
Slafer and Kevin Cahill. Chicago, Illinois: Chicago Review Press, Inc., 1995.
ISBN 1-55652-249-5
Youth Planning Charrettes: A Manual for Planners & Teachers by Bruce Race.
Washington, D.C.: American Planning Association, 1998.