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October 29, 2010

By: Sandra D. from Hampton, VA
Comments: 10


Posted By: Sandra Dianna
On: 8/21/2010 5:09:57 AM

What is up with the postings about the ipad, converters, and in general a sales ads added on all of the conversations? They are posted by jing jia. Am I missing something???? It appears that this site is not secure and that someone has attached these replies on all of the conversations.

Posted By: Catherine Mott
On: 8/24/2010 2:46:22 PM

I know sandy I thought the same thing, "what are all these merchandise comments?" I guess jing jia thinks we are a good marketing group, probably because we have become so design savvy.

Posted By: Rebecca Whitfill
On: 9/30/2010 9:18:14 AM

Thank you! I get so frustrated when I am trying to read these and there are all of those on here. Is there something that can be done about that?

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