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November 20, 2010

By: Nick B. from Miami, FL
Comments: 1


Posted By: Nick Britton
On: 10/31/2010 9:52:40 PM

I wanted each student to have a writing implement that was special. The idea was to make the act of writing feel more sacred, like Japanese brushstrokes of konji on scrolls. On betterlivingthroughdesign, I saw a beautiful white pen with a white feather plume attached to the top. The thing was probably all porcelain. Each one sold for the modest amount of about $70. No way I could afford one for all 45 students. Then I found packs of 20 white pens at Walmart for $1 per pack. I picked up a bag of white feathers in the craft section and a roll of white electrical tape in the home improvement section. A student intern helped me put the plume-pens together and we passed them out that afternoon, to everyone's delight. Now, I assign a prompt and watch the plumes fly across the page all over the room. It's a beautiful sight. Try it!

Posted By: Lauren Plotkin
On: 11/20/2010 6:49:28 AM

Nick, This is a great idea! I worked with my 6th graders last year writing with calligraphy brushes. It was amazing how their writing changed when using a special writing tool. I love the idea of adding plumes to a pen- I am going to try this in the future!

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