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October 11, 2010

By: Cooper-Hewitt N. from New York, NY
Comments: 15


Posted By: Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum
On: 1/31/2010 5:39:10 PM

Here's a great example of thinking outside of the box. When faced with the challenge of how to conserve energy, these architects came up with a design that could potentially use 60 - 65% less energy than comparable buildings. The architects also designed a system to sustain the structure and make it even more "green." Read the full article here:

Posted By: Alicia Reeves
On: 8/15/2010 3:26:54 PM

This is the coolest thing I have seen in a while. Maybe I could do this to the side of my house instead of painting. However, my husband may not like the idea.

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