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October 17, 2010

By: Cooper-Hewitt N. from New York, NY
Comments: 17


Posted By: Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum
On: 6/29/2009 2:53:42 PM

In the latest video from the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum’s public program series, Ellen Lupton dips into "Design Your Life", the book she co-authored with twin sister Julia, to cast a skeptical eye on our love affair with all kinds of everyday products. Even in the design of the humble spring loaded toilet holder, Ellen manages to find an object lesson in gender politics and human behavior. Generally, for the Luptons, design should be more thoughtful and better adapted to the quirks of human behavior but it also remains a rich source of humor and a window into the way we think. Watch the presentation at:;_medium=Web%2Bsite&utm;_campaign=Global%2BBottom%2BLinks, or go the video link on the CHNDM Education Home Page. The book, Design your Life, the Pleasures and Perils of Everyday Things, by Ellen and Julia Lupton, is published by St Martin’s Press, May 2009.

Posted By: Patricia Kendall
On: 6/29/2009 5:25:31 PM

This presentation is another example of how Cooper Hewitt - through their Educator Resource Center, supports instructors who realize that teaching is, among other things, a great excuse for us to continue to be students along with those we've been charged to teach!

Posted By: Maggie Nelms
On: 7/7/2009 2:43:54 PM

This would be a good thing to show to students to get them thinking creatively and to start questioning the effectiveness of the designs around them.

Posted By: Brolin Evans
On: 7/7/2009 6:46:47 PM

I think that this would definitely get students interested in the aspects of design. I have never really given much thought into the spring loaded toilet holder. I'm sure my students, as I, would be amazed by how many everyday things we take for granted are basic components of design.

Posted By: Bertina Banks
On: 7/8/2009 10:10:54 PM

This would be a good way to get students to critically think about how design can be more practical to make life easier. This may also spark their interest in the design process.

Posted By: Barbara Hall
On: 7/23/2009 2:19:39 AM

The video was inspiring. Being a lifelong learner and thoughtfully exploring the world around you cannot be measured in pay incentives that may or may not exist.

Posted By: Jeffrey Sadoff
On: 11/30/2009 4:29:22 PM

Absolutely fun jumping off point for students. Kids are very intune with the "things" in their lives..this would spark their imagination and get them to identify the why and how of design and the process that goes into objects all around us. It was a real pleasure to have seen Ellen in person in San Antonio as well. JSadoff

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