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October 17, 2010

By: Jason W. from Johns Creek, GA
Comments: 13


Posted By: Jason Weinberger
On: 6/23/2009 6:32:14 PM

Does anyone utilize the PBS show Design Squad in their classroom? If so please respond with your post. I also run the FIRST robotics program in my high school and I am looking for resources similar to the programs mentioned above. Any ideas? Please share!

Posted By: Patricia Kendall
On: 6/28/2009 12:26:15 PM

Jason - I'm also involved with instructing students in practical application of design concepts at my high school. My lessons, however, are applied more to rendering architectural models. Even so, I attended a workshop earlier this month intended to introduce educators to Leonardo da Vinci's achievements (related to an upcoming exhibit opening this October). Out of this I became aware of an interesting book by Michael J. Gelb, "How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci". You can visit Mr. Gelb's website at or the listing for this book on Barnes & Noble, which includes an excerpt from his book's introduction about the Seven Da Vincian Principles. These resources could serve as a higher-level problem-solving complement to the "how to" practices of the Design Squad. If you want to know more about the exhibit and its focus, you could visit the High's web site at Good luck with your quest for additional resources ...

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