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October 17, 2010

By: Cooper-Hewitt N. from New York, NY
Comments: 9


Posted By: Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum
On: 6/3/2009 3:20:12 PM

If you think the lure of cash may help turn on your design students, let them loose on the "Quirky" mission of an original design idea in production every week, or have them take the role of "influencer" by providing feedback on Quirky ideas already in production. Either way this could be a classic win/win for design in the classroom. The story behind Quirky follows high school designer Ben Kaufman in his journey from the originator of a highly successful product line of Mac accessories, the Mophie, to the launch of Kluster, a company that pools the innovative design ideas of thousands to Quirky, a concept where designers submitting ideas online that can morph with the help of hundreds of "influencers", into marketable end products. Take a look at the "Quirky" concept and listen to the full story at:

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