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October 17, 2010

By: Cooper-Hewitt N. from New York, NY
Comments: 11


Posted By: Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum
On: 5/29/2009 11:33:36 AM

Designing the classroom of the future - what better project for young people discovering how design can make better sense of their world. Open Architecture is offering a major prize in 2009 for schools entering this award, however if you're not already involved you may well miss the June deadline for submission. Definitely something to consider for 2010. In the meantime, check out the site and the great sequence of videos where the conversation about classroom design shows how powerful partnerships with designers from different cultures can be for learning. And remember if you are looking for a project that gives your students a chance to engage with design, why not start with the classroom and the school where students themselves are the experts, and the challenges are right under their nose. Find out about the competition and listen to the conversations at:

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