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October 22, 2010

By: Erica H. from Mobile, AL
Comments: 18


Posted By: Erica Hunter
On: 11/2/2008 10:40:43 AM

Hello, I recently was hired as a graphic design instructor for a junior college. I am looking for a guide in assisting me in lesson plans for the graphic design student. Although, I can come with varies projects I feel that I am unorganized and need more structure. Does anyone know of a web site or book that will assist me in completing this task?

Posted By: James Iliff
On: 11/6/2008 9:09:54 AM

Hello. I teach graphic design too. I created a website with leveled tutorials for my students. The only problem is that we use the GIMP. It is a freeware program that imitates photoshop. The other, smaller, problem is that it has expanded to encompass other projects we have undertaken which might be a bit confusing to you. the website is go to tutorial level 1 to view the 10 or so tutorials. Tutorials are great b/c they give the students discrete skills and ideas for projects. They are easy to organize and grade too. Once the students have worked through a number of tutorials and are comfortable with the program they can then do bigger projects more confidently. What program are you using?

Posted By: Jennifer Szeto
On: 11/30/2008 2:01:09 PM

I am teaching (Graphic) Design for the first time as well and have found 2 books very handy. One is "Graphic Design School: A Foundation Course in the Principles and Practices of Graphic Design" by David Dabner and the other is an older book on Visual Understandings created for Artists, Architects and Designers. I have left that book at school but will post the name of that one when I get a chance later on this week.

Posted By: Michael DiMartino
On: 12/2/2008 10:42:37 AM The web site above is a great resource to help ecucators when teaching the design process.

Posted By: Sharon DiMarco
On: 12/4/2008 7:23:28 PM

What a great resource to have! It really breaks down the process and explains each step. Thanks!

Posted By: Jennifer Szeto
On: 12/7/2008 4:01:24 PM

Here's the book I mentioned earlier: Basic Visual Concepts and Principles for Artists, Architects, and Designers by Charles Wallschlaeger and Cynthia Busic-Snyder. It's set up almost as a Textbook

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