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October 22, 2010

By: James I. from St Paul, MN
Comments: 14


Posted By: James Iliff
On: 9/28/2008 7:00:23 PM

I am starting a unit this week that will have the students analyze social ad campaigns (like drinking and driving for example) look at what makes a good ad verses a poor ad, what are ads typically composed of and what emotional strings do ads try to pluck. Students will then as a group choose a social issue that could be prevalent at our school and create a series of ads to be hung up around the school that address that concern. Does anyone have ideas for me in terms of how to get the students thinking about social ads or how to guide them through creating professional looking designs. For anyone interested, check out the website that will be updated as we go.

Posted By: Juliana James
On: 10/4/2008 10:02:49 AM

I would check out State Farm Insurance or Allstate Insurance as they often fund service learning programs and offer grants to have high school students come teach your students about the issues you mention, like drinking and driving. The high school students could interview the students about those social ads and ask them why they think the way they do about the social ad.

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