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October 25, 2010

By: Robin L. from St Petersburg, FL
Comments: 22


Posted By: Robin Little
On: 4/2/2008 10:11:57 PM

Maybe I misunderstood, but I thought lessons were going to be posted once they were approved. I know I read that they would be posted in groups, but how long will it be? I would really like to see some of the lessons other members of the NY SDI group tried. Also, will we have access to some of the photos that were taken of the different groups' presentations from this summer as well as the group photo? I was hoping they would be on the CDs or posted on the website, but haven't seen any. Anyone have any insight??

Posted By: Daarina Abdus-Samad
On: 4/8/2008 2:04:14 AM

Hi Robin, I'm glad I'm not the only one a little thrown off. I thought that I just couldn't figure out how to use the site. There was a group photo but I don't know if it was of last summer. If it was my half was cut off. We're coming up on another summer and I agree that it would be nice to see some more photos of our activities. Daarina Abdus-Samad

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