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October 25, 2010

By: Kevin L. from Chalmette, LA
Comments: 20


Posted By: Kevin Loria
On: 1/29/2008 6:28:46 PM

While reworking our washed away High School student common area to make way for our new landscaped space, part of the original plantation structure beneath was revealed. Now we are working to recognize this, by altering our plans for the space to possible include an image of the original structure in a mosaic and/or a historical marker. I’d be interested in hearing any suggestions anyone might have for the project.

Posted By: Jill Granberry
On: 1/29/2008 7:38:11 PM

I think a mosaic is a really neat idea. I'd love to talk about what was discovered when you get the chance. I'll try to find you at school soon! Jill

Posted By: Jon Twersky
On: 1/31/2008 3:08:50 PM

You could also include text from students responding to this development. Since this is their community you can ask them to make a connection between then and now and create a visual time line. Perhaps the students would like to somehow create something to bury for another group to find in the future. Like a time capsule per say.

Posted By: Keith Lewis
On: 2/18/2008 2:45:33 PM

Hi Kevin, It seems you have uncovered historical information. How do you go about uncovering the rest without damaging what may be historical artifacts? I like Jon's response on how can you make the connection between the generations by using a time capsule. Keith

Posted By: Natashia James
On: 2/27/2008 1:11:03 PM

I think maybe you all should get some ideas form the students on what they think it could be utilized as. Kids always have so many new fresh ideas that we as adults may not have thought about. Since this artifact will be in their space, maybe if they had some input it would be respected more.

Posted By: Kevin Loria
On: 4/6/2008 2:24:43 PM

Thanks for the great ideas. As it happens, we had to do some on-the-fly redesigns as the concrete was set to pour last month, the area drainage turned out to be right in the center of our would-be mosiacs. We reconfigured the locations of the mosiacs, but due to some mistakes in the pouring process, we will be limiting our selves to 2 mosiacs instead of our original plan to do more. Later, we plan to make a historical marker/ mosiac off the common area walk space. In fact, I was out scrambling, along with a few students, to rescue slate and brick remnants from the diggings, to use in this future design. We thought they could be used for the area around the marker/mosiac.

Posted By: Jill Granberry
On: 4/7/2008 8:02:37 PM

I have been looking for this conversation for three weeks now, and I couldn't find it. (Does anyone else ever have this problem?) Anyway, Kevin showed me some of the possible designs for Chalmette High's new space/common area. They are fantastic! I can't wait to see the finished product. It is going to be wonderful. I wish everyone would be able to see.

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