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October 25, 2010

By: Carolyn D. from Portland, OR
Comments: 13


Posted By: Carolyn Drake
On: 1/14/2008 11:26:14 AM

I am teaching an Art History course this spring and would like to feature design/design history as a major unit. As expansive as this subject is, I am curious if anyone has a recommendation for a rich, yet concise and relatively self-enclosed unit, keeping in mind that I have very limited access to technology and materials, at least for this year's maiden voyage. My guess is that it can be found in this website's archive, but not having tested any of these lessons, I'm looking for something with a personal recommendation attached to it. My tendency is to write it all myself, but how refreshing it would be to work smart, not hard... for once.

Posted By: mel ruth
On: 4/30/2008 2:28:14 PM

I am curious whether of not anyone has tried to combine art and the act of revolution in their curriculums. The process of visual representations of exploitation and war are abound but has anyone created a unit?

Posted By: Elizabeth Fletcher
On: 4/30/2008 4:16:10 PM

That's interesting, the revolution idea. As long as the teacher has access to the Internet or a library, you could gather all of the great award winning photos from WWI, WWII, and Vietnam. You could discuss what elements make these pictures so engaging and representative of the time. Time magazine would also be a great resource.

Posted By: Nick Britton
On: 10/21/2009 1:36:24 PM

MOMA has a strong design collection and good educator resources. I found a couple lesson plans that may be of use to you at this web address: . Click GUIDES, then click MADE FOR LIVING.

Posted By: Nick Britton
On: 10/21/2009 1:39:03 PM

You might also check the London Design Museum at . My school district has a filter blocking me from viewing the site. Maybe they offer teacher resources too.

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