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October 25, 2010

By: Thelma K. from West Jefferson, NC
Comments: 8


Posted By: Thelma Kastl
On: 11/3/2007 1:20:24 PM

Does anyone know someone or how to approach someone with a background in design who would be willing to be a guest speaker at a technology education conference? I was so impressed with the Designing for the Other 90% Conference that I think it would be fantastic if I could arrange to focus the North Carolina Technology Education Association's Winter Conference around the design theme and designing for the other 90%. The conference is January 30-31 and February 1 in High Point, North Carolina. A guest speaker would only have to attend on January 31 and would get a wonderful lunch. It would be even more incredible if I could get some experts to help me with several concurrent or repeating sessions on design. This conference is attended by many of the state's top-knotch teachers as well as many college students who are going to be teachers. I would love for all of the other teachers here in North Carolina to get to experience everything we (participants at Cooper-Hewitt's Designing for the Other 90%) got to experience. If anyone can help me, please let me know as soon as possible. Or if you need more information- [email protected] Smiles, Thelma Kastl West Jefferson, NC

Posted By: Kim Robledo-Diga
On: 12/3/2007 11:17:41 AM

Thelma, just found this request. Are you still looking for someone? If so let me know and I will see if we can help find someone. Best, Kim Robledo-Diga, Cooper-Hewitt

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