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October 25, 2010

By: Kelly M. from Chalmette, LA
Comments: 15


Posted By: Kelly McCartney
On: 8/14/2007 9:21:53 PM

Hello! I just wanted to say hello and that I really enjoyed the article that Barbara sent to all of us on "The chronicle of Philanthropy". What a great concept! I can't wait to read it to my students for current events on Friday's!!! Every Friday I do Current Event's, the sudents bring in an article and I do as well. Hope everyone is doing well! Have a great school year!! Kelly McCartney

Posted By: Jacqueline Taylor
On: 5/19/2008 9:07:52 AM

I also wish to thank you for the"Did You Know 2.0" video. Our Leadership Team was involved in a series of meetings recently and watched a video entitled "Shift Happens". This also is eye -opening, fast paced, and deals strictly with statistics and globalization. The music is also stimulating. It originated from Great Britain, but has relevance for all. Our team returned to campus and shared it with the staff at a professional development. Jacqueline Taylor, New Orleans, LA.

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