Step 1. Investigate the Opportunity: (50
In this stage, groups
of students will be introduced to the challenge. They will have an opportunity
to investigate samples of several different surfaces that their coaster car
will be tested on. The goal is to design a wheel for the coaster car that will
improve the performance (speed) of the coaster car on the given surface by
increasing/decreasing the friction.
Students will begin by investigating the performance of the standard
wooden wheels on their chosen surface and getting an average speed for the
standard coaster car. (Note: other standards of success may be established
at this point such as smoothness of ride, how far it travels once off the ramp,
(Note: Ideally each group would have an assembled coaster
car that has already been tested on a flat track and down a ramp. See materials
above for what is needed to build a coaster car.)
1. Assign students
into small groups of three or four.
Give them the challenge: The goal is to design a wheel for the coaster
car that will improve the performance (speed) of the coaster car on the given
surface by increasing/decreasing the friction.
2. Each group should
be assigned one alternate surface - carpet, corrugated cardboard, smooth
surface, small uniform tiles - to investigate. They may take photos, draw
sketches, and/or describe this surface by recording this in their notebooks.
3. Students should
test their “normal” wooden wheel according to the standard of success you have
established such as speed (see above for other ideas). Students should make
careful record of the data they collect throughout this investigation. Both
qualitative and quantitative observations should be made and many trials should
be performed to create a dependable baseline. This should be recorded in the
students’ notebooks. All tracks
are returned to the teacher. (In this version, students are given very limited
access to their assigned track material until a later stage.)
Step 2. Brainstorm Ideas: (30 minutes plus home extension time)
1. Individuals
students will brainstorm how to increase (or decrease) the friction of their
wheels based on their given surface.
2. They will begin by
collecting materials from home to incorporate into their wheel designs.
3. Sketches should be
made of each wheel design along with predictions of how each wheel design will
increase/decrease the friction as well as how this might affect the performance
of the coaster car on the given ramp material. (This should build on a prior
lesson on rolling friction.)
Step 3. Edit + Develop Ideas: (50 minutes)
Students will compare sketches of their preliminary wheel designs within their
group and begin creating mock-ups or models of their wheels.
Step 4. Re-frame the Problem: (50 minutes)
1. The students will
now have access to small samples of the modified track surfaces. They will test
their wheel designs on their assigned track material and further edit their
designs preparing samples to share with another group. (Note: Students are
not given enough material to create a whole track at this point. The small
sample should serve to further inform their design changes.)
Step 5. Share + Evaluate your Process and
Ideas: (20 minutes)
1. Student groups
will share their wheel examples with another group, visually demonstrating how
they predict their car will perform on the modified track. Groups will
collaborate to provide suggestions on how to improve the performance of the
Coaster Car with its modified wheels on the new track material.
Step 6. Finalize the Solution: (30 minutes)
and Test: (50 minutes)
1. Students will
finalize their modified wheels and attach these to their coaster cars. They
will also create a prediction of the car’s performance with its new wheels on
the new track material using the vocabulary from the previous friction lesson.
Step 7. Articulate the Solution and
Process: (one to two 50 minute periods)
1. Students should
now have sufficient data to create a report on the results of their design
process. Each group should create a presentation board including (but not
limited to):
- Starting
data (wood wheels on new track)
- Evidence
of the group’s process while designing their wheels
- Their
coaster car with modified wheels
- Group’s
prediction of performance with rationale
- Final
results (modified wheels on new track)
- Concluding
This can be shared with others as a gallery walk or presentation style.