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A Kids Guide to . . .
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A Kids Guide to . . .
Posted by:
Teresita Herrera
Grade Level:
Middle School
Subject Area:
Social Studies
Lesson Time:
270 minutes for classroom activities
The purpose of this lesson is to involve students in historic preservation by encouraging kids their age to become interested in local historic sites or a specific neighborhood in their community.



State Standards:
No State Standards available.
National Standards:


Standard 1. Level III. Understands and knows how to analyze chronological relationships and patterns

Standard 2. Level III. Understands the historical perspective

Standard 5.  Level III. Knows a range of arts and communication works from various historical and cultural periods

5. Knows art forms that reflect cultural elements of the local community (e.g., folk art, utilitarian objects, community environment (landscape and architecture), works of local professional artists and craftsmen)


Standard 7. Level III. Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of informational texts

1. Uses reading skills and strategies to understand a variety of informational texts (e.g., electronic texts; textbooks; biographical sketches; directions; essays; primary source historical documents, including letters and diaries; print media, including editorials, news stories, periodicals, and magazines; consumer, workplace, and public documents, including catalogs, technical directions, procedures, and bus routes)


Standard 1. Level III. Uses the general skills and strategies of the writing process
Uses content, style, and structure (e.g., formal or informal language, genre, organization) appropriate for specific audiences (e.g., public, private) and purposes (e.g., to entertain, to influence, to inform)


At the conclusion of this activity, students will be able to:

  • discuss the historical changes that their community has been through
  • discuss what attracts people to certain places
  • draw conclusions about how a community’s characteristics impacts the impressions of people that view them
  • compare and contrast different styles of architecture found around their community
  • research important buildings in their community, especially those registered as national historic sites
  • learn to appreciate the architectural styles and historic sites found in their community
  • understand and demonstrate the steps of the design process
  • create a formal presentation that attracts kids to a community’s historic sites


This lesson deals with local history so each school would need to do research in their local area museums and libraries.

digital camera


LCD projector

photo printer
  • paper
  • presentation board
  • construction paper
  • glue
  • scissors
  • matted frames
  • preservation: the process of keeping alive or in existence

Step 1: (15 minutes)

1. Begin lesson by asking students to review the challenge:  How can I make my local neighborhood more attractive to teenagers my age?  Answers will be listed and each one discussed.

Step 2: (30 minutes)

1. Students will be shown images of local historic sites in two local cities (or around the county) and asked to identify them. (Preference should be given to sites listed on the National Register or if they are National Historic Sites.)  Each site will then be discussed as well as the history behind them. 

2. The teacher will then take a class poll as to how many students have visited these sites, know about them, and whether or not they would be interested in knowing more about these sites. 

3. A discussion on what makes these sites appealing and unappealing should then occur (issues such as importance to local history, location, price, entertainment and historical value should be addressed).

Step 3: (135 minutes)

1. If possible, students will then be taken on a field trip to the various historic sites and asked to take note of what these sites can do to attract more teenagers their age to visit and become more interested in historic preservation.

Step 4: (45 minutes)

1. Once students return to class, they will be paired into groups of three to four and assigned a site and do some research. 

2. Students should now INVESTIGATE the problem.  They need to find out:

  • Who visits the site?
  • Why do they visit?
  • Is the site attractive to a teenage audience?

3. After investigating, have students FRAME/REFRAME the problem:  Why do you think students are not currently visiting this site? (Cost? Lack of Interest? Location/distance/lack of transportation?)

4. Students will then be asked to use GENERATE possible solutions to the problem.  Students need to brainstorm solutions to the problem.  For example: decreasing cost by creating specific kid nights; trading volunteer time/recycled products/canned goods to attend events; creating specific programs or tours tied to topics the target audience is interested in; creating new exhibits or allowing students to have their own work exhibited at the site.

Step 5: (90 minutes)

1. Students would then need to EDIT & DEVELOP their ideas and narrow down the topic they wish to address in order to increase teenage attendance to these sites.

2. Students will then SHARE & EVALUATE the process and their ideas and get feedback on their solutions.

3. Each group will then FINALIZE THEIR SOLUTION by developing a formal presentation for the entire class and then to be given to the local chamber of commerce.  Students need to remember to articulate what the problem was, how their solution addresses the problem, and why it would be important for this group to support their solution. 

4. Students will then ARTICULATE THE SOLUTION AND PROCESS by presenting the final solution to the entire group.

Step 6:

Students will be assessed in the following manner:

30 pts - Final presentation

15 pts - Research

15 pts - Solutions

20 pts - Understanding

20 pts - Participation


The teacher should informally assess students by observation as the design process and rough draft portions of the activity are taking place.  The teacher can also assess if students understand the purpose and objectives of the lesson, if students are properly using cooperative learning, and if they are following directions.

Grading their presentation will also assess students and evaluate how well students grasped the concepts and objectives of the lesson.
Extension Activities:
After everyone has presented their solutions, the students can be asked which of the ideas they thought were most likely to be adopted by the local community to increase the interest of teenagers to local historical sites.  Students can also be asked to create a flyer or brochure geared to teenagers regarding the sites they enjoyed the most to encourage increased visits and interests to these sites.
Teacher Reflection:
No related files are necessary.
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