1. After the unit on the chosen continent, the students individually identify 5 challenges they see within an identified country on the continent of study. Students then pair off, share their ideas, and reduce their two lists to one list of three challenges. As a class the students compile these challenges on the board.
2. The teacher presents the project to the students and explains that the students must first identify one challenge from the board and analyze it. The students must then propose solutions. Once the students have identified a solution and researched it, they will have to present this solution in both a presentation and in writing. The teacher demonstrates what is expected with a generic presentation.
3. Students then pair off to identify and research the specific challenge they have chosen within their region. They must identify the specific elements of the challenge using the textbook first. They must present a process paper which must include information regarding: who, what, why, and how.
4. The students should utilize suggested websites (i.e., Design for the Other 90%) to intensify their research. They should create note cards that include the necessary information and discuss any accompanying issues. The students should be analyzing any issues identified.
5. The students use the note cards and researched materials to write a three page paper which should identify and analyze the challenge and propose and support a designed solution which could address one of the following issues: need for entrepreneurial start-up capital, micro-lending institutions, affordable and well designed money making equipment, products, affordable shelters, and education on networking for marketing and distribution.
6. The students must then present the challenge and solution in a formal setting. Students in the audience use a critique and analysis sheet provided by the teacher as they watch the presentations.