Building Background
State-by-State Graphs
The purpose of this activity is to provide an opportunity for students to graph data.
1. As a class, visit the 2007 People’s Design Award Web site at
Select “Browse by Location.” Record the number of nominees by state.
2. Divide the class into pairs. Ask each group to create a graph of the recorded data. Ask for volunteers to share their graphs.
Steps for Learning
Activity One: The People’s Choice
The purpose of this activity is to give students an opportunity to collect and analyze data.
1. Divide the class into pairs. Ask the students to visit the 2007 People’s Design Award Web page that features the nominees at
Ask each group to choose one page of nominees, and print it to use in this activity.
2. Provide each group with a copy of the “And the Winner is…” handout.
Tell the students to ask people of varied age ranges to look at their printed page of nominees, and vote for their favorite nominee. Tell the students to ask each voter the reason for his or her choice, and record the reasons on the back of the handout.
3. After the students are finished with the surveys, ask them to complete all sections of the handout to determine the winning nominee based on the votes they collected.
Activity Two: Design a Contest
The purpose of this activity is to provide students with an opportunity to create an original contest where the winner can be mathematically determined.
1. Divide the class into small groups. Give each group a copy of the “Design a Contest” handout and allow each group time to complete it.
2. Provide time for each group to present its design plan to the class. When the presentations are complete, ask the students to vote for the contest they would most like to participate in. Determine the winner mathematically, by identifying the top vote-getter.
3. Allow time for the winning contest to take place. Collect data during the contest. Ask each student to graphically represent the data and determine the contest winner.