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Tour + Workshop = DESIGN: Shape
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Tour + Workshop = DESIGN: Shape
Posted by:
Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum
Grade Level:
Elementary School
Subject Area:
Social Studies
Lesson Time:
One or two fifty-minute class periods
Shape is one of the six basic elements of design, as shape is everywhere and all things have a shape. Learning about abstract/free form shapes and common or basic shapes has dual educational benefits as an art activity and as a fun and easy means to teach fundamental geometry.

By teaching shape and using observation, kinesthetic and tactile activity, and verbal and visual discussion, students will learn about:

  • man-made and organic/natural shapes
  • negative and positive shapes
  • how shape is a basic element and tool for drawing/design
  • the difference between 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional
  • recognize pattern, symmetry, and free-form/abstraction in shape

The following lesson provides the elementary age student with experience in observing actual objects, creating shapes and forms, and imagining the possibilities of shape for themselves.

State Standards:
No State Standards available.
National Standards:
Visual Arts

Standard 1. Understanding and applying media, techniques, and processes
Standard 2. Using knowledge of structures and functions
Standard 3. Choosing and evaluating a range of subject matter, symbols, and ideas
Standard 4. Understanding the visual arts in relation to history and cultures
Standard 5. Reflecting upon and assessing the characteristics and merits of their work and the work of others
Standard 6. Making connections between visual arts and other disciplines


Geometry NM-GEO.3-5.1. Analyze characteristics and properties of two- and three-dimensional geometric shapes and develop mathematical arguments about geometric relationships
Geometry NM-GEO.3-5.4. Use visualization, spatial reasoning, and geometric modeling to solve problems
Geometry NM--5.2. Specify locations and describe spatial relationships using coordinate geometry and other representational system
Geometry NM--5.3. Apply transformations and use symmetry to analyze mathematical situations
Geometry NM--5.4. Use visualization, spatial reasoning, and geometric modeling to solve problems

Social Studies

NSS-C.K-44. Other Nations and World Affairs


NS K-4.1. Science as Inquiry
Students will:

  • learn descriptive words of basic geometric and organic shapes and use them to identify visual art examples
  • analyze and evaluate shapes in everyday and artistic work
  • ecognize basic mathematical and creative techniques used in creating a geometric or organic shape
  • raw a shape using various media and add 2 2-dimension dimensional media.
  • combine actual created shapes and visual shapes to create a 3 3-dimensional design or artistic representation
  • evaluate peer and individual work using shapes

  • art and design objects from the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Collection which students can examine closely
  • visual examples of everyday objects, as well as basic geometric shapes
  • A book to consider is: MathART Projects and Activities (Grades 3-5) by Carolyn Ford Brunetto

Other examples and information can be found on the following websites:


  • examples of basic geometric shapes in 3D (everyday items)
  • examples of basic geometric and free form shapes in 2D (appendix 1)
  • examples of organic/free-form shapes (appendix 2)
  • design and everyday objects from either the Cooper-Hewitt collection or similar to current exhibition
  • dotted grid paper (see appendix 3)
  • blank paper
  • origami paper
  • origami ship, box, star (see appendix 4)
  • multi-colored soft drawing pencils
  • multi-colored construction paper
  • multi-colored small sponges
  • multi-colored play dough
  • scissors
  • glue
  • tape
  • toothpicks (age specific)

Abstract/Free Form: having an intellectual and effective artistic content that depends solely on intrinsic form rather than on narrative content or pictorial representation

Circle: a plane curve everywhere equidistant from a given fixed point, the center

Design: to conceive or fashion in the mind; invent: to formulate a plan for; devise

Figural: consisting of, or forming a pictorial composition of human or animal figures

Form: the shape and structure of an object

Geometry: the mathematics of the properties, measurement, and relationships of points, lines, angles, surfaces, and solids

Natural: present in or produced by nature

Negative Space: “empty” or open space surrounding the shapes

Organic: relating to, or derived from living organisms

Oval: an egg-shaped or elliptical form or figure

Pattern: a consistent, characteristic form, style, or method

Plane: a surface containing all the straight lines that connect any two points on it

Polygon: a closed plane figure bound by three or more line segments

Positive Space: areas that have definite form and shapes

Proportion/al: a part considered in relation to the whole

Rectangle: a four-sided plane figure with four right angles

Shape: the characteristic surface configuration of a thing; an outline or contour

Sphere: a three-dimensional surface, all points of which are equidistant from a fixed point

Space: refers to the distance or area between, around, above, below, or within things. It can be described as two-dimensional or three-dimensional; as flat, shallow, or deep; as open or closed; as positive or negative; and as actual, ambiguous, or illusory

Square: a plane figure having four equal sides

Symmetry: exact correspondence of form and constituent configuration on opposite sides of a dividing line, plane, or about a center or, an axis

Three-dimensional: having, or appearing to have, height, width, and depth

Triangle: the plane figure formed by connecting three points not in a straight line by straight line segments

Two-dimensional: having height and width, but no depth; flat

Introduction - Analyzing

Lead a group discussion about "what is design" using everyday objects as examples: a colored pencil, the shoes on their feet. Even small children can answer the following questions:

  • Did someone or something make this pencil/your shoes?
  • Are there many of these pencils/shoes?
  • Do they come in many colors and sizes?
  • Can we buy this pencil/shoes?
  • Can we use this pencil/shoes?
  • Who’s idea was it to make this pencil/shoes?
  • Does this pencil/shoes have shape?

Older elementary students can also answer these questions:

  • Can I make a pencil/pair of shoes that is one of a kind?
  • Does my special pencil/pair of shoes have to be useful?

Provide students with various 3-D geometric shapes and ask them to name them (circle, square, triangle, etc.) and also describe what they are touching (four sides, three sides, point/angle, circular-shape, etc.).

Provide students with actual art/design and everyday objects and ask them to describe the shapes they see. Example of a chair: triangle (headrest), square (seat), cylinder/sphere (legs), rectangle (arm rest). Mosaic Tile: square (actual tile shape), star (mosaic design), circles (mosaic pattern).

Provide students with visual images and ask them to describe the shapes they see. Example of architectural rendering of a temple: triangle (pediment), circle (base of column), rectangle (door), square (floor pattern). Example of Winslow Homer painting: oval (human face), triangle (shadow of tree), rectangle (frame).

Activity - Creating

Describe the activity as drawing shapes by connecting dots, then making these shapes 3-D with paper and sponges. Encourage students to think about their “design” and who will see it and why they would want someone to be interested in their design (adapt time and material to grade levels)

Connect the dots: hand out dotted paper and colored pencils and have students connect the dots into various shapes.

Give each student colored paper and sponges that they can cut out to create their shapes.

Ask students to “build” another shape or an actual object with their 3D pieces using glue and tape

(Depending on time) Teach students to fold origami paper.

Conclusion - Evaluating

Ask 1-2 students to volunteer their design to show the group. Have students use their new shape and design vocabulary to discuss the object:

  • Does it have shape? What shapes?
  • Is there a pattern?
  • Does it look like something you know?
  • How was the actual object made? By adding shapes? By cutting shapes?

Older elementary students can be asked:

  • Is it figural or abstract?
  • Where might you see something designed like this?

If time allows, ask for other students to volunteer and show their work and explain their design process.

Student Assessment:

Assessment will take place throughout the lesson. While analyzing the subject of shape, the teacher will determine if students comprehend the lesson through their use of new vocabulary, ability to identify shapes, contribution in answering teacher and peer posed questions, and their use of independent questions.

During the activity, the teacher should monitor the variety of students’ shapes, images, and objects and determine if individual students are making independent decisions, using peer and/or teacher assistance.

During the evaluation, the teacher will see if students can articulate their design process and identify 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional shapes. The teacher can also reinforce the lesson goals by asking what the student has learned or experienced. Older elementary students may be asked to write a description of their own work.

Teacher and Lesson Plan Assessment:

  • Did the teacher describe and lead the lesson plan in a comprehensive and inclusive manner?
  • Were the lesson goals reached and was the level of student comprehension and participation age appropriate?
  • What objects/shapes/materials were successful as examples and motivators for the activity?
  • Which objects were not used?
  • Did students have enough time to analyze, observe, discuss and create?
  • Were students able to use the evaluation to draw their own conclusions and discuss/present some of the lessons goals?
  • What needs to be changed or adjusted and why?
Extension Activities:
No Enrichment Extension Activities available.
Teacher Reflection:
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