Building Background
My Favorite Chair
The purpose of this activity is to help students activate their background knowledge on the activity topic.
1. Ask each student to respond to the following prompts:
- Write a brief description of your favorite chair.
- Draw a picture of your favorite chair.
Ask for volunteers to share their responses with their classmates.
Post students' drawings so they are visible to the entire class. Lead a group discussion based on the following questions:
- How are the chairs different from each other?
- How are the chairs similar to each other?
- What are some of the words you would use to describe the chairs?
Steps for Learning
Cataloging the Chair
The purpose of this activity is to help students become aware of the diversity of design in everyday life.
1. Divide the class into small groups and tell them that they are going to create a catalog that contains different kinds of chairs. Give each group a copy of the "The Chair: A Catalog of Design" handout, and provide the students with construction paper, scissors, glue, pens, markers, and crayons to use in constructing the catalogs.
2. After each group has constructed its catalog, have the students present their work to their classmates.
3. Host a mock design award show using the students' catalog selections. First, as a class, decide what categories you will use for the awards. The following is a list of suggestions:
- Best Design
- Worst Design
- Best Use of Color
- Most Original Design
- Worst Pattern
- Strangest Design
- Most Uncomfortable
Teacher Note: These are simply suggestions. Encourage your students to be creative as they think of design award categories.
4. Discuss the results of the award show with your students. Ask them to share what they learned about chairs and design.