

Wireless technologies: three ways to transfer data

Wi-Fi modern life, there are many new technologies allowing to transmit information over large distances at high speeds without using wires simple, and allows you to develop new technologies, but about all under the order. So, consider the most commonly used technology at the moment.

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The Wi-Fi as early as 1985, the Federal Agency in the USA when allowed to use certain radio frequency spectrum. Many countries supported this decision and started its development in this direction. After some time technology “mastered” a lot of countries, but the standards from different companies different, and synchronization between devices was very rare.

At that time, wifi had low bandwidth (1 to 2 MB.), short range, and the price on equipment was just huge. But progress has not stood still , Wi-Fi quickly improved, and after a while started to be used by different companies in other industries. And in 2009, the technology has been its standard. At the moment the technology is in most cases used for Internet.

The benefits include faster transfer speeds (up to 54 GB/s) and versatility. To the source wireless network you can connect your laptop, phone, computer, and all connected devices will work wirelessly. But it is also important to note the low harmfulness for the environment and people (Wave Wi-Fi 10 times weaker than that of the other waves transmit data). Besides completing this process is simple and not expensive. Find the antenna and cable as easily as you order them in any city in the world through the network. The disadvantages are short range.


Bluetooth – this type of data transfer was created by Ericsson in 1994. In 1998, the technology has standardized several companies (IBM, Ericsson, Toshiba, Intel + Nokia). The transfer of the information carried by radio waves at a certain frequency. Technology quickly started to use and improve. In today’s world we can see Bluetooth is most often in the phone, but this method of transmission work and other devices. Bluetooth allows you to transfer a small amount of information for a short distance ( 20 metres). The benefits include: Rapid detection device receiving data, fast connection, versatility. The disadvantages: short range, weak transfer rate.


GPRS is under the configure services GSM( Global standard for mobile communication). This view allows to transmit information over long distances, but at low speed. There are many different settings under GSM services , but the most used is the GPRS.

The development of the GSM channel was involved in 26 groups of telephone companies in 1984. All of these companies sought to create a single channel for mobile communications, and further development of the mobile network as a whole. In 1991, the network received standard. GPRS is used most often in mobile networks , but also through GPRS, you can use the Internet.

Advantages: Global (GSM “Guilty” in the fact that the planet Earth glowing slightly at the sight of space”) because this network covers the whole world. Long distances to transfer data.

Among the shortcomings should be noted a little speed, but this is the explanation, in 1984 was not planned to use the Internet more figure 174 KB/s. was at that time a good.

We have reviewed the 3 most used method of wireless data transfer, there are more, but the best known are Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPRS.

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