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October 25, 2010

By: Franc L. from Philadelphia, PA
Comments: 13


Posted By: Franc Leo
On: 6/2/2007 9:27:32 PM

Last month Louis Mazza and I had a little chat and then got together at CHAD. We talked about student learning capability and teaching strategies. It was great to have him in my classroom and to be able to show him part of the school. We didn't have all the time that we wished for, but still we got to learn more from each other, personally and professionally. Thanks for your visit, Louis! I know that being in touch is also being able to learn from one another, that is why we have this forum. I believe that my students will be able to learn more from me thanks to Louis' visit.

Posted By: Kathleen Lee
On: 6/11/2007 2:10:30 PM

Our learners loved visting CHAD. They could not stop talking about all of the student work that was on display.

Posted By: Franc Leo
On: 6/12/2007 12:40:48 PM

Thank you for your kind words. I believe that there is a great design influence among our students, because they are able to show their work and feel proud of it too. This year, the faculty at CHAD has not shown their personal works, for a number of reasons. I am quite sure that next year will be different. Showing the faculty and staff works is a very important idea because it means that we also teach by example. The students are hearing our critiques during the whole year, and now they can do the same, or find out that we know what we are talking about. I always tell my student that the work done speaks for them, and that should be the other way around too. That is whay displays are so important at CHAD.

Posted By: Miranda Thompson
On: 6/12/2007 10:49:22 PM

I am right down the street from you at Constitution HS, and would love for our students to work together on some PBL next year- or at the very least video conference and meet a few times to share ideas and "show off'. ; )

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