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September 29, 2010

By: Franc L. from Philadelphia, PA
Comments: 33


Posted By: Franc Leo
On: 11/29/2006 8:54:04 PM

This month at CHAD we are taking part in the First Friday activities that involve the whole city of Philadelphia. This event (one of many) displays all types of presentations that involve design. All those who are immersed in the creative world have been displaying paintings, arts, crafts, and innumerable examples of art in general that belong to the city, come from abroad or are influenced by one and many styles from around the world. We hope that the news of these activities have reached many of you. I shall be posting some examples and displays from CHAD next week, that will be presented in my blog. Look into the following link to have a small taste of our involvement in this event at: Let me know what you think of it. Happy Holidays and Design On!

Posted By: Barbara Nikoomanesh
On: 12/4/2006 2:06:58 PM

Frank, This is awesome. I need to take more time to read all that you have on your site. How wonderful to involve the students in an event that also involves the community on this scale. Great Job!

Posted By: Lisa Verrilli
On: 12/4/2006 2:44:11 PM

Fantastic stuff!

Posted By: mel ruth
On: 6/1/2007 12:30:06 PM

Chads first friday is a really amazing event. It is an open gallery for all the art and design pieces the student have done (along with traditional education and design collaboration projects). Being in centewr city philadelphia we get all kinds of people walking throught FIRST FRIDAY. Parents, students, and teachers are so proud to show off their pieces. it really is a community event with the students at the center.

Posted By: Franc Leo
On: 6/2/2007 2:09:16 PM

The second First Friday at CHAD was different than the first First Friday. The presentations are the product of the second semester students' works. The crowd was thinner but they stayed much longer ! It was awesome that those present were interested in every detail of the presentations and learn about the process, rather than have a big crowd pushing through to see everything and just satisfy their visual needs. It was a very good feeling to see that there is an understanding crowd that wants to be more informed about the Design Process chart and the designs presented than just look at it all and move forward.

Posted By: mel ruth
On: 6/11/2007 9:07:11 AM

Second first friday was outstanding due to the quality of the student work and the implementation of the schedule. The first friday our students were cold and new. The 2nd first friday was much, much better. New to the schedule was drum line and tribal drumming. A tree house exhibit and chess tournament. It truly was a success. People stayed longer than usual to see our displays.

Posted By: maxine feldman cohen
On: 7/15/2007 4:20:01 PM

When will this happen again?

Posted By: Jon Twersky
On: 4/16/2008 4:25:39 PM

CHAD's Spring First Friday will be held on May 2, 2008. For all of you who can stop by, CHAD is located at 675 Sansom St, Philadelphia PA 19106. Doors open around 5:30. I will try to post some pictures of the fall First Friday so you can see what the students' current work.

Posted By: Franc Leo
On: 4/17/2008 12:18:37 PM

Thanks for the reminder, Jon. This First Friday will be refreshing. I am looking for the past photos and will post them as soon as possible. The crowd was great, and the students got to show their talent to a wide and varied audience. I have been looking at Jon's projects too, and they are as great, as ever. Very cool. Remember: CHAD's Spring First Friday will be held on May 2, 2008. For all of you who can stop by, CHAD is located at 675 Sansom St, Philadelphia PA 19106. Doors open around 5:30. Design on! -Franc Leo

Posted By: Jon Twersky
On: 4/17/2008 2:20:47 PM

I'm looking forward to this First Friday as well. The students are creating some great work this semester and I always enjoy seeing the tree house display. This semester my students will be showing work from three projects; a micrography project, a trophy design (2D/3D) project, and a tile project. I've seen some great pen and ink work coming from Franc's classes this semester. I can't wait to see the final work. I know the concepts and techniques he taught last year students are being demonstrated in their current work. Thanks Franc.

Posted By: Sarah Rooney
On: 11/29/2009 1:57:36 PM

I love our First Friday events at CHAD. I'm upset that this week I won't be able to be involved in our first First Friday event of the year, as I'm on maternity leave. Last year I put up my own little display for my History I classroom. After that, students really started to produce quality design work in my class. Earlier in the year I had suggested to my students that if they produce enough quality work, that I would again put up a display (not all teacher put up a display, it's mostly just the design teachers). I had some amazing projects turned in this year already. Bringing the community into our school has been a tool for us teachers, and has provided an amazing learning experience for our students.

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