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October 26, 2010

By: Franc L. from Philadelphia, PA
Comments: 12


Posted By: Franc Leo
On: 9/13/2006 3:37:11 PM

This year has started with a load of enthusiasm and creative energy. The Design Lesson Plans are being structured and put into practice little by little. First is an assessment period, to see where I stand with my students, and after that, we start using the Design Process Graph made here at CHAD. Keep cool!

Posted By: John Galt
On: 9/16/2006 3:38:35 PM

Dear Franc,

It is great to hear about the "enthusiasm and creative energy"!  I just had a few questions:  what kind of assessments do you do, and what is the "Design Process Graph"?

Posted By: Franc Leo
On: 10/13/2006 2:09:10 PM

The assesments made in my 9th and 10th grade class consist of evaluating the individual style and it's development. The effort that is put into their own personal work is very important, because it reflects their focus and evolution in the design process. The design process graph is the depiction of our five basic steps for design. They are: 1.- Identify 2.- Imagine 3.- Develop 4.- Execute and 5.- Evaluate I will follow up with a short explanation of each of the steps for clarification.

Posted By: George Latos
On: 5/30/2007 12:50:38 PM

Franc, that sounds interesting. Can you please explain the five steps a bit more?

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