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October 25, 2010

By: Kelly M. from Chalmette, LA
Comments: 33


Posted By: Kelly McCartney
On: 10/1/2007 2:24:34 PM

I was wondering how long it takes to get approval on the lesson plan, once we turn in?? Also, it was great to see everyone again! I especially enjoyed the guest speakers. Lots of great information!

Posted By: Michelle Dalton
On: 10/4/2007 10:25:42 AM

Great question, Kelly! I was wondering the same thing! I am working on my lesson plan now and I'm getting nervous about the deadline. I started it with my classes today (I figure experience is the best evaluation) and so I plan to begin the "turn in" process by the end of next week. Already I've changed the project significantly from the original plan! Michelle Dalton

Posted By: Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum
On: 10/4/2007 4:49:18 PM

Hi all. The lesson plans have to be approved by both the Cooper-Hewitt Education Department and the Communications Department. You will receive an email from a member of the Education Department with any changes or questions about your lesson plan. Please be patient as we are working with several teachers. We are so EXCITED to read your lesson plans!

Posted By: Michelle Dalton
On: 10/5/2007 1:16:56 PM

How rough of a lesson plan can we turn in? As I mentioned above, I am working on mine with my classes now. It's not going the way I envisioned it but overall I am very pleased with the design aspects.

Posted By: Robin Little
On: 10/7/2007 10:30:17 PM

I was working on my lesson plan tonight and was reading back through some of the conversations regarding approval on lesson plans. I was in the June Summer Design Institute and have been watching for some of my colleagues' lesson plans to be posted. From previous conversation postings, some said they had submitted them way back in July. I haven't seen any of them posted yet. This makes me wonder how difficult the process is to get through. I should have my lesson plan ready to submit by next weekend and wondered if anyone had received approval yet from the SDI this summer. Most of the lesson plans I see that have been recently posted were created by the Education Department. Any insight?

Posted By: Daarina Abdus-Samad
On: 10/14/2007 10:07:58 PM

Hey all! I worked hard, put a lot of hours & thought into my lesson plan. It was submitted the end of August. I would really like feedback to know if editing is needed. I would be totally disillusioned if I had to wait this long again after any suggested revisions. I really need the feedback. (And stipend) Has anyone out there managed to submit a plan that has been approved and been reimbursed for it? Just wondering and getting nervous.

Posted By: kathleen aacosta
On: 10/15/2007 12:27:19 PM

today's email said we would hear about submitted lesson plans after design week.

Posted By: Kelley Oxley
On: 10/27/2007 5:57:41 PM

ooops...I clicked on some little icon while reading all these comments and it told me that one of these comments was being reported for investigation! AH! I didn't mean to do's the curious little girl in me that wanted to push some buttons! So sorry!

Posted By: Jill Granberry
On: 10/28/2007 12:34:41 PM

I did the exact same thing once, too! How funny is that!

Posted By: Judith Jastal
On: 11/15/2007 12:33:11 AM

A funny thing happened on the way to a lesson plan. It seemed to take on a life of it's own and has now grown into a series of five lessons. I really want to turn in the whole thing at once because it will make much more sense that way, but it still needs some tweaking in spots. I've been looking at some good plans posted by people from the New Orleans group. Way to go!

Posted By: Judith Jastal
On: 11/15/2007 12:37:10 AM

How did my comment get put under Kelley's name? Wonder what I did wrong.

Posted By: Barbara Nikoomanesh
On: 11/16/2007 10:17:35 AM

Judith, It appears that the name listed at the top of a conversation is the name of the person who started that conversation. You have to scroll down to see who made the last post. Babs

Posted By: Judith Stroman
On: 12/26/2007 10:15:16 PM

Well this conversation makes me really scared. I missed the deadline and plan to knuckle down during this break to produce something. Is feedback immediate or not? I guess I will soon find out. Judith S.

Posted By: Robin Little
On: 12/27/2007 11:23:39 PM

To give you an idea of the timeframe I saw: I posted my lesson on 10/30/07. On 11/29, I received an email from Barbara saying it had been approved and would be posted shortly. She said my stipend would be deposited within the next 7-10 days and it was. However, my lesson plan has still not been posted. So it is taking some time to go through the process from submitting, getting approval, and then getting it posted. I know they've had a lot going on with Design Week during this time so hopefully, we'll begin seeing new lessons posted soon. I'm curious as to what some of my Summer Design Institute buddies have been up to!!!

Posted By: Jill Granberry
On: 1/16/2008 1:56:47 PM

Does a lesson plan automatically get posted once it is approved? For some reason, I thought you had to request for it to be shared with everyone.

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