Arts and Communication
Standard 1. Understands the principles, processes, and products associated with arts and communication media
Level IV
Knows skills and techniques used in the commercial arts (e.g., basic drawings, basic design, lettering, typography, layout and design, mechanics, printmaking, illustration, interior decorating, fashion design and display, photography, sign painting, portfolio, graphic design, technical drawing, screen printing, commercial photography)
Standard 2. Knows and applies appropriate criteria to arts and communication products
Knows and applies criteria to evaluate industrial arts products (e.g., design craftsmanship, function, and aesthetic qualities)
Uses criteria and judgment to determine the differences between the artist’s intent and public interpretation
Standard 3. Uses critical and creative thinking in various arts and communication settings
Level IV
Understands the role of criticism and revision in the arts and communication
Standard 3. Level II. Understands the relationships among science, technology, society, and the individual
2. Knows areas in which technology has improved human lives (e.g., transportation, communication, nutrition, sanitation, health care, entertainment)
3. Knows that new inventions often lead to other new inventions and ways of doing things
Standard 4. Level II. Understands the nature of technological design
2. Knows that group collaboration is useful as the combination of multiple creative minds can yield more possible design solutions
3. Knows that the design process is a series of methodical steps for turning ideas into useful products and systems
7. Evaluates a product or design (e.g., considers how well the product or design met the challenge to solve a problem; considers the ability of the product or design to meet constraints), and makes modifications based on results