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October 7, 2010

By: Cooper-Hewitt N. from New York, NY
Comments: 24


Posted By: Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum
On: 1/23/2009 9:29:41 AM

The New York City Department of Education and Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum are proud to announce the 2009 - 2010 Citywide Publication Design Competition! Current NYC public high school students are invited to participate by submitting their original designs for the Directory of the New York City Public High Schools.

After the review of the citywide submissions the NYCDOE jury will choose twelve designs with the most potential. The students of these twelve final designs will be given the opportunity to attend a special extensive workshop with a prominent graphic designer at the Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum. The designer will work with each student on refining their designs. Students will re-submit their final designs for a chance to be one of three winners.

To kick start this competition, Cooper-Hewitt hosted a presentation and discussion on teaching graphic design with Ellen Lupton, Curator of Contemporary Design, graphic designer, educator, and author. Check out the video of the presentation and the accompanying lesson plan to get started in your classroom. Time is running out! Submissions are due on February 13, 2009!

For more information, check out the official rules.

Posted By: Ben zhao
On: 1/25/2009 6:08:00 PM

Not that I am from NY or my students could participate but I am wondering why the due day is coming up so soon. I would assume most teachers have their lessons planned out way ahead of time. I am forwarding this announcement to my state graphic design association. Maybe they will start something similar in our state.

Posted By: Stephen Sutton
On: 1/26/2009 11:33:33 AM

Nice collaboration between the city and the museum. Students always like to have their work displayed publicly. We do these kind of invites when we make promotional buttons for special events.

Posted By: Centennial Middle School
On: 2/6/2009 10:21:48 AM

Does anyone know how one might go about arranging this to happen in the Twin Cities? I think it would be a wonderful thing to do in conjunction with The Walker or The Minneapolis Institute of Art.

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