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October 7, 2010

By: Natashia J. from NEW ORLEANS, LA
Comments: 29


Posted By: Natashia James
On: 9/24/2007 3:48:55 PM

Hello All ! I am very excited to share what my class (Education for Careers) is presently doing along with Ms. Fletcher's English I class. My students are very excited as they are engaging in this design activity! We are exploring a variety of careers that have become a demand since the rebuilding efforts post-Katrina in New Orleans. We are discussing how this has impacted everyone's career's overall (layoffs, shortages, etc), and how important skilled and unskilled jobs are to the city's rebuilding success. We are also discovering the impact that small businesses have on the community and how vital they are to our rebuilding efforts. The students are brainstorming ideas for a better marketing plan to market jobs that are in demand (teachers, doctors, police officers, etc.) back to the city of New Orleans. They are also working on developing a design to implement in their neighborhood that would help with the revitalization process, and tell how this design will help the community. We are working on the designs this week and the students are very creative with their ideas! Natashia

Posted By: Barbara Nikoomanesh
On: 9/24/2007 10:11:41 PM

Natashia, I think the design you and Ms. Flethcer are doing with your students to revitalize New Orleans is wonderful. It is very relevant to your students, since this is their city. It always helps when students have "buy in" to any project they are working on. I hope you will update us on how they are doing. Babs

Posted By: Elizabeth Fletcher
On: 10/1/2007 12:12:35 AM

We are applying Monday for approval for a one day grant writing workshop so that students can actually bring their plans to fruition. It is a really exciting project.

Posted By: Barbara Nikoomanesh
On: 10/1/2007 4:25:10 PM

Elizabeth, That is a great idea to take the grant writing workshop. It is amazing how much money is out there in the form of grants. The workshop will help you with the verbage. Keep us informed as to your progress. Babs

Posted By: Elizabeth Fletcher
On: 10/2/2007 11:34:27 PM

Thanks Babs, Well, our workshop has been approved. Also, I recently spoke with a few more business professionals, and I now have a Community Development Associate who will speak to the the students about budgeting; an employee trainer from Entergy to discuss drafting business and service plans; and, potentially, a Public Relations Specialist to speak with the students about engaging the public and attracting media attention. I am really excited, but it seems as though this project is taking on a life of its own. Quite a few of my students are already being offered grant money and support from the companies they are calling for research information. My Community Development Associate is an old friend who is now working for a non-profit that specializes in funding grants to rebuilding projects in New Orleans. So, now, I have the kids creating an audio/video journal of the assignment to enhance our final grant presentations. Its a whirlwind!

Posted By: Barbara Nikoomanesh
On: 10/3/2007 12:39:30 PM

Elizabeth, I am so impressed. You have so many specialists involved, that I know the students will always remember this project. I'm sure the expertise involved will take your students to another level. Please let us know if you develop a website to display your audio/video journal. Hold on to your hat! Babs

Posted By: Natashia James
On: 10/4/2007 10:12:08 AM

Thanks so much Babs for your comments! We are really excited to get started and the students as well. They are so engaged with the design projects they want to do it practically everyday. I can't wait the the workshops for grant writing to get started. It will be amazing to see what they will come up with. Natashia

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