What to Write in a Reaction Paper
Writing reaction papers is not as easy as it may seem to be at the first blush. Your task lies in not only reading and understanding of the text but also voicing your personal point of view concerning it. It is necessary to spend enough time to understand what each text informs about and in which way it may relate to the other text. That is to say, reaction essays and papers demand you to make a synthesis of other persons’ intellectual work and put it together into a complete whole.
Important Questions to Consider
Take texts into consideration individually:
- What is the main issue addressed by an author?
- How can you describe a central claim or argument of an author?
- What suggestions are made by an author?
- What supporting facts are presented by an author?
- What are weak and strong points of the whole text?
Take texts into consideration collectively:
What is a relation between them? Do authors disagree or agree? Do they refer to various aspects of the matter? Do they formulate a nagging problem by means of different ways?
By what means does an argument from one text-ease or consolidate an argument of other people?
Actions that Should Be Taken into Account
Focus attention on a reaction essay format provided by your professor for the project. At the same time, several guidelines may also provide you with short messages, which will give you a chance to comprehend what you have to get out from all texts.
Provide an explanation of the main arguments and assumptions of every single text.
Estimate all facts introduced by each text: indicate weak and strong sides, relative to the text in general and to other texts in particular. For instance, in case one text produces an argument with the basis made on a suggestion that another text either denies or supports, then you will be able to make use of the latter text in order to judge the plausibility associated with the claim made by the previous one.
Make explanation of the phenomenon of “speaking” texts to each other. Make a synthesis of all of them if you have such ability, and if you cannot do that, explain barriers that prevent the performance of this synthesis.
Take into consideration two sides of issues. When all texts tend to be at one side, think about the other one. In case the texts find themselves on both sides of one issue, learn where disagreements and agreements are placed and what weak and strong points are peculiar to each side.
Voice your personal arguments evaluate supporting facts and raise some critical questions. Always be specific when dealing with such assignment.
Track all omissions of an author and introduce counterarguments whenever you identify that authors’ arguments have weak points.
If you feel some obstacles and do not know how to write a reaction paper, it is possible to ask for a professional help, addressing to your instructor or teacher.
Do not Consider Actions Mentioned Below
Do not procrastinate until the last minute to start composing a paper. Note that the stages of reading and comprehending texts are only initial steps targeted at putting your essay together.
Try not to compose an autobiographical paper. Reaction or response essays should not show your feelings. Provide compliments or blame where you believe it is due, but stay away from credit or conviction because of its own benefit.
Try not to simply sum up texts. You are expected to respond or react to them, but not to repeat what they inform about. So, in order not to make such a mistake, consider reaction paper topics thoroughly.
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