

The main reasons to buy a smartphone for study

If you are in doubt about buying a smartphone, get ready for a positive decision. We intend to convince you that the smartphone will not be a hindrance to learning, but on the contrary will become an indispensable assistant and improve the quality of information assimilation, significantly easing the learning process.

Today there is no need to carry a heavy backpack with textbooks, it is enough to have one tablet or smartphone. In the article “5 gadgets for a productive academic year” we considered the main assistant students. It turns out that if there are electronic textbooks, then there must be applications for reading and translating them, and also for creating cheat sheets, keeping notes and calculating complex mathematical problems. Similar functions have a smartphone, applying them, the child will be easier to perceive new information.

Help in math

Imagine you are photographing the equation, and the application displays its solution in action. Photomath – an unusual calculator-camera, gives the answer of any task by her photo. Conveniently, the application recognizes not only printed text, but also handwritten. Now you are subject to integrals, logarithms, derivatives, all sorts of equations and other calculations. Many will think that it is unreasonable to deprive the child of the opportunity to decide on his own, but you will agree, in a stressful situation on the exam, it becomes very difficult to calculate the discriminant and the root of it.

Photomath is available for iOS and Android.

Convenient reading of electronic textbooks

Electronic textbooks are an indispensable find for students. Using the PocketBook reader application, textbooks on several subjects are available for reading in one smartphone. The child can choose a comfortable reading mode, with the ability to select text and make notes. The application supports the following text formats: PDF, EPUB, DjVu, TXT, FB2, CHM, html (basic), RTF.

PocketBook reader is available for iOS and Android.

Quick text translation into 103 languages

It makes no sense to carry an English-French phrasebook with you when you have a smartphone. Google Translator will provide a high-quality translation into 103 languages, 52 of them are available without an Internet connection. The text can be translated and simply photographed it.

Google Translate is available for iOS and Android.

Joint editing of documents

In our previous article about “clouds” for your information, you can choose the appropriate cloud storage for your smartphone. With it, students can create common cribs, saving a lot of time for everyone. It will be convenient for students to jointly edit a course project or a thesis, in a single text document. Also, storage free up space on your smartphone and tablet.

All apps are uploaded to Google Play and the App Store.

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