Day 1:
Teacher leads whole class discussion. Use following
- Why did people leave England for the Americas?
Why did colonists move to other areas within the
- Who were the people that left? (social
class)What groups?
- What do we know about the geography
of the area? (from our studies)
- What experience might
we encounter?
(Note: Have questions on board or overhead
projector. )
2. Have students brainstorm
independently on paper for three to five minutes, then
discuss for five to seven minutes.
3. Ask students the
following questions:
- What have we learned from other
settlers’ experience? (primary source info)
- How do we want to function as a settlement?
4. Ask
students to express their mental map of the classroom in a
brief written/quick sketch.
5. Review the challenge:
How do we organize and create a new settlement in the
colony of Virginia in the year 1685?
6. Divide
students (preselected by teacher) into groups and ask: How
do we Investigate this challenge?
7. Quick
brainstorm is small groups, then the whole class should
review their ideas. (Note: This discussion will hopefully
generate responses such as: interviewing class members,
taking measurements, sketching possible arrangements.
8. Show students the Design Process transparency.
Give students the Design Process handout and review.
Identify the connections to student ideas and where they
fall into the steps of the Design Process.
Groups meet for fifteen minutes. Teacher will visit
each group briefly to assess understanding of challenge and
Design Process steps.
Exit question: What one aspect of the
settlement is crucial to success?
Day 2:
Teacher reviews previous day’ s activities.
2. Use
transparency of Design Process steps
3. Clarify any
questions/concerns (this will vary).
4. Ask Thinking/Focus
question to whole class: How might the immediate geography
impact the settlement’ s communication, productivity,
and behavior? Tell students to consider this
as they work on their designs. Ask students: Are there
basic rules/procedures in place for members to follow? How
are they related to the laws of the colony?
5. Groups will actively engage in design
6. Begin to Frame/Reframe the problem.
Generate possible solutions. Each member of the group
will share their thoughts on the previous day’ s exit
question. (This is part of individual assessment
packet. ) Groups can select a recorder of
these ideas that can be synthesized to a few core ideas
that will work.
8. Edit and Develop further ideas.
Students revisit some new ways to approach the
problem and share their ideas within groups.
Encourage groups to take a five minute quiet time for
individuals to think about the group work and come up with
any new points to include. Teacher will conference
with all groups (up to five minutes or longer if necessary
for groups that are struggling).
9. Groups work through the
Design Process steps at own pace. Remind groups that
each member will be expected to articulate their ideas in
some form, i. e. diagram, bullet list, written work, etc.
(Note: Groups should have access to classroom
computers and books to view maps, aerial maps,
reconstruction of early settlements, etc. )
Towards end of period gather whole class together and
review some of the ideas they are all generating. Allow
groups to recognize where they can add/delete ideas.
11. By
end of Day 2 groups will Share + Evaluate .
Remind them to listen and give feedback within the context
of the group’ s goals.
12. Teacher offers brief
review of possible building materials they might use and
tools of the time. Class discussion:
- How long will it take
to construct specific building?
- Which ones get built first?
Exit question: What one thing surprised
me about the challenge? (Note: If they have done another
challenge they might want to compare. )
Day 3:
1. Groups have forty minutes to Finalize their
solutions and practice their presentations. Teacher will
walk around answering questions/redirecting/encouraging
2. At end of period groups will display their
designs for presentations around classroom. Whole
class takes gallery walk (ten minutes).
3. Designs (visual
displays) will stand on their own to Articulate the
ideas of each group.
Exit question: How did I actively
participate in the challenge? (Note: This relates to
reflection. )
Day 4:
1. Groups will
Articulate their solutions. Each group will
prepare and give a presentation that highlights the most
effective points of their design: functionality,
adaptability, communication. Each group has five
minutes to present.
2. Students will jot down things
(pros/cons) they observed as groups give presentations.
Record their presentations.
Exit question: What did you
notice about other groups’ presentations?
End of Day
1. Review reflection guidelines with students.
Provide handout and rubric.
2. Allow students time
to brainstorm/ write/discuss.
3. Teacher will conference
with small groups and encourage students to go deeper into
their observations/reflections.
4. Student homework:
Students will edit own work and turn in final product
(reflection) two days later.