Language Arts
Standard 1. Level II. Uses the general skills and
strategies of the writing process
5. Uses strategies
(e. g. , adapts focus, organization, point of view;
determines knowledge and interests of audience) to write
for different audiences (e. g. , self, peers, teachers,
6. Uses strategies (e. g. , adapts focus,
point of view, organization, form) to write for a variety
of purposes (e. g. , to inform, entertain, explain,
describe, record ideas)
Standard 4. Level II. Gathers
and uses information for research purposes
1. Uses a
variety of strategies to plan research (e. g. , identifies
possible topic by brainstorming, listing questions, using
idea webs; organizes prior knowledge about a topic;
develops a course of action; determines how to locate
necessary information)
7. Uses strategies to gather
and record information for research topics (e. g. , uses
notes, maps, charts, graphs, tables, and other graphic
organizers; paraphrases and summarizes information; gathers
direct quotes; provides narrative descriptions)
Standard 1. Understands and applies media,
techniques, and processes related to the visual arts
Standard 2. Knows how to use structures (e. g. , sensory
qualities, organizational principles, expressive features)
and functions of art
Standard 3. Knows a range of
subject matter, symbols, and potential ideas in the visual
Standard 4. Understands the visual arts in
relation to history and cultures
Standard 6. Understands relationships among organisms and
their physical environment