Standard 1. Accesses information
efficiently and effectively
1. Recognizes the need
for information
5. Develops and uses successful strategies
for locating information
Standard 2: Evaluates
information critically and competently
Selects information appropriate to the problem or question
at hand
Standard 3. Uses information accurately and
1. Organizes information for
practical application.
2. Integrates new information
into one's own knowledge
Standard 1. Level
II. Uses the general skills and strategies of the writing
6. Uses strategies to write for a variety of
purpose ( e. g. , to inform, entertain, describe, record
Standard 3. Level II. Uses grammatical and
mechanical conventions in written compositions
8. Uses
conventions of spelling in written compositions
Uses conventions of capitalization in written
10. Uses conventions of punctuation in
written compositions
Standard 4. Level II. Gathers and uses information for
research purposes
1. Uses a variety of strategies to plan
4. Uses electronic media to gather
7. Uses strategies to gather and record
information for research topics
8. Uses strategies to
compile information into written report or summaries
Standard 7. Level II. Uses reading skills and
strategies to understand and interpret a variety of
informational texts
3. Use text organizers (e. g. ,
heading, topic and summary sentences, graphic features,
typeface, chapter titles) to determine the main ideas and
to locate information in a text
4. Uses the various
parts of a book (e. g. , index, table of contents,
glossary. Appendix, preface) to locate information
Summaries and paraphrases information in texts ( e. g. ,
includes the main idea and significant supporting details
of a reading selection
Listening and Speaking
Standard 8. Level II. Uses listening and speaking
strategies for different purposes
1. Contributes to
group discussions
5. Uses strategies to convey a clear
main point when speaking (e. g. , expresses ideas in a
logical manner, uses specific vocabulary to establish tone
and present information
Life Science
Standard 6. Level II. Understands relationships among
organisms and their physical environment
Knows that an organism’ s patterns of behavior are
related to the nature of that organism’ s environment
(e. g. , kinds and numbers of other organisms present,
availability of food and resources, physical
characteristics of the environment)
4. Knows
that changes in the environment can have different effects
on different organisms (e. g. , some organisms move in,
others move out; some organisms survive and reproduce,
others die)
5. Knows that all organisms
(including humans) cause changes in their environments, and
these changes can be beneficial or detrimental