Standards: |
Writing Standard 1. Level II. Uses the
general skills and strategies of the writing process 1.
Prewriting: Uses prewriting strategies to plan
written work (e. g. , makes outlines, uses published pieces
as writing models, constructs critical standards,
brainstorms, builds background knowledge) 2. Drafting and
Revising: Uses strategies to draft and revise written work
(e. g. , analyzes and clarifies meaning, makes structural
and syntactical changes, uses an organizational scheme,
uses sensory words and figurative language, rethinks and
rewrites for different audiences and purposes, checks for a
consistent point of view and for transitions between
paragraphs, uses direct feedback to revise compositions) 3.
Editing and Publishing: Uses strategies to draft and revise
written work (e. g. , eliminates slang; edits for grammar,
punctuation, capitalization, and spelling at a
developmentally appropriate level; proofreads using
reference materials, word processor, and other resources;
edits for clarity, word choice, and language usage; uses a
word processor or other technology to publish written work)
Standard 1. Level IV. Uses the general skills and
strategies of the writing process 5. Uses strategies to
write for different audiences (e. g. , includes
explanations and definitions according to the
audience’ s background, age, or knowledge of the
topic, adjusts formality of style, considers interests of
potential readers) 6. Uses strategies to adapt writing for
different purposes (e. g. , to explain, inform, analyze,
entertain, reflect, persuade) Standard 3. Level II.
Uses grammatical and mechanical conventions in written
compositions 9. Uses conventions of spelling in written
compositions (e. g. , spells high frequency, commonly
misspelled words from appropriate grade-level list; uses a
dictionary and other resources to spell words; uses initial
consonant substitution to spell related words; uses vowel
combinations for correct spelling; uses contractions,
compounds, roots, suffixes, prefixes, and syllable
constructions to spell words) 10. Uses conventions of
capitalization in written compositions (e. g. , titles of
people; proper nouns [names of towns, cities, counties, and
states; days of the week; months of the year; names of
streets; names of countries; holidays]; first word of
direct quotations; heading, salutation, and closing of a
letter) 11. Uses conventions of punctuation in written
compositions (e. g. , uses periods after imperative
sentences and in initials, abbreviations, and titles before
names; uses commas in dates and addresses and after
greetings and closings in a letter; uses apostrophes in
contractions and possessive nouns; uses quotation marks
around titles and with direct quotations; uses a colon
between hour and minutes) Standard 4.
Level II. Gathers and uses information for research
purposes 1. Uses a variety of strategies to plan
research (e. g. , identifies possible topic by
brainstorming, listing questions, using idea webs;
organizes prior knowledge about a topic; develops a course
of action; determines how to locate necessary information)
4. Uses electronic media to gather information (e. g. ,
databases, Internet, CD-ROM, television shows, cassette
recordings, videos, pull-down menus, word searches) 7. Uses
strategies to gather and record information for research
topics (e. g. , uses notes, maps, charts, graphs, tables,
and other graphic organizers; paraphrases and summarizes
information; gathers direct quotes; provides narrative
descriptions) 8. Uses strategies to compile information
into written report or summaries (e. g. , incorporates
notes into a finished product; includes simple facts,
details, explanations, and examples; draws conclusions from
relationships and patterns that emerge from data from
different sources; uses appropriate visual aids and media)
Reading Standard 7. Level II. Uses reading skills
and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of
informational texts 3. Use text organizers (e. g. ,
heading, topic and summary sentences, graphic features,
typeface, chapter titles) to determine the main ideas and
to locate information in a text 4. Uses the various parts
of a book (e. g. , index, table of contents, glossary.
Appendix, preface) to locate information 5. Summaries and
paraphrases information in texts ( e. g. , includes the
main idea and significant supporting details of a reading
selection Listening and Speaking Standard 8. Level II. Uses
listening and speaking strategies for different
purposes 1. Contributes to group discussions 5. Uses
strategies to convey a clear main point when speaking (e.
g. , expresses ideas in a logical manner, uses specific
vocabulary to establish tone and present information) |