Prior to beginning
this unit on sound, students are asked to bring in small
(3- to 6-year-old size) shoe boxes.
Day 1 :
1. The students will be introduced to the characteristics
of sound, vibration, and pitch via a promethean board
flipchart called Introduction to Sound. (Note:
Alternate to flipchart: United Streaming video, Sound. )
Student volunteers interact with flipchart.
3. Class
completes eight question assessment on introductory
4. Students are asked to complete the
following homework: Write definitions of the words
you’ ve learned and a meaningful sentence using each
definition. (Note: Possible long term homework:
Research the affect of decibel levels on hearing in humans.
Day 2:
1. Introduction -- Band/orchestra
members of class demonstrate high and low pitch with
trumpet, clarinet, and violin. Students guess if pitch is
low or high.
2. Teacher reviews vocabulary. Ask: How
are vibration, pitch, and frequency related? 3. Now ask
students to observe finger positions as they listen to
violinists again. Discussion of string vibrations and
4. Teacher asks: What is the most popular string
instrument? (guitar) Teahcer plays rock and
roll video. Class discusses how the musician makes
the guitar squeal and how the bass guitar mellows the
5. Teacher asks, while indicating the
assembled craft materials: How can we use these materials
to demonstrate pitch and vibration?
6. Teacher
instructs students to create a journal page entitled
“ String Instrument. ” The entries
follow the scientific inquiry method.
7. Teacher
breaks students into teams of two. Team pairs
discuss how to use the materials to make a guitar, violin,
harp, etc. , then create a sketch and take notes.
Teams share their sketches and ideas. Constructive feedback
Day 3:
1. Pairs design and
complete their idea of a guitar using the materials.
They complete their journal page up to the Conclusion.
Each team pair demonstrates how they used the materials,
plucks their rubber strings and the other students guess if
the pitch is high or low.
3. Students should finish with
the conclusion that the tighter bands vibrate more and
create a higher pitch than the looser, wider bands.