Anticipatory Set (15 minutes):
1. Explain to students that
everything around them is designed from the landscape to
their pants to the school schedule. Not everything is
designed well however. Ask students to give an example of
one area in the school that isn't designed very well.
Explain to the students that it is their turn to put their
minds into designing a better system at school
3. Explain
that their task over the next two weeks will be to improve
the lunch line process.
Journal Activity (15 minutes):
1. Either hand out paper or have the students get out their
journals. Have the students write a journal entry
reflecting on a typical lunch line experience for them.
Write these guiding questions on the board: How long does
it take to get through the line? Who do you normally stand
next to? What do you normally do with yourself in the line?
2. Instruct the students not to develop solutions at this
point but to really focus on living the experience out on
3. Group students into teams of 4-6.
Brain Storming
Problems Activity (20 minutes):
1. In their groups have
students brainstorm all of the problems they can think of
related to the lunch line experience. Assign tasks to
students. One student is the facilitator, one is a note
taker, one is time keeper, two or more can be jump
starters. Have students focus only on the problems of the
lunch line.
Introduce Leverage Activity (15 minutes):
1. Start by showing a picture of an emergency room. Ask if
anyone has had to take a relative or friend to the
emergency room. Explain the stress associated with having a
family member in the emergency room and all of the
information that is coming from different places at
different times. This is a chaotic event full of anxiety.
2. Explain that hospitals have been working on improving
this experience. Show picture of a racetrack pit crew and
ask the students what connections can be made between these
two events. Explain to the students that the designers
working on improving emergency room visits leveraged the
operation of pit crews to help solve their problem. Explain
the connection between the two.
Leverage Research (1 class
1. While in their groups have students
brainstorm all of the possible places they could leverage
from to find solutions to the problems they generated. Have
students write their ideas on a sheet and then research
those areas (on computers if available). Students will
report back with their list of areas to leverage from and
specifically which of those areas is most valuable for
improving the lunch line experience.
Brainstorming Activity (30 minutes):
1. While students
are in their groups have them brainstorm all of the ways
that they can use to improve the experience of waiting in
the lunch line. Explain and model proper brainstorming
(everyone talks; one at a time; engaged listening; no value
laden comments, ect. ).
Immediate Solutions vs. Structural
Solutions Activity (30 minutes):
1. As a class begin a
conversation about the difference between immediate
solutions to problems and structural solutions. Use the
analogy of the emergency room, a structural fix (hiring a
person to be the hub of information and contact person for
the family) vs. an immediate fix (simply installing better
chairs in the waiting room).
2. Still as a class, have the
students give one example of an immediate fix that could be
made to the lunch line challenge. Have the students think
of one structural change that could be made.
3. Have
students get back into their groups and rewrite their
solutions into two categories, immediate and structural.
Have students post their papers on the walls.
Presentation and Vetting Activity (30 minutes):
Student groups will present their solutions and the areas
they leveraged from to the class in a quick verbal manner.
Prior to the presentation the class will brainstorm topics
that should be covered in each presentation. Examples
include: the brainstorming process; where they leveraged
their ideas from, the most significant improvements they
will make, the materials necessary to get the job done.
After the presentations the class will have time to
walk around the class and post notes with comments or
questions for each group on each group’ s area.
posted notes provide a medium for students to comment or
question each other without the possibility of
interpersonal conflict.
2. Each group will collect the
questions/comments and spend 15 minutes reading them as a
group and reflecting on them. The class will come together
and each group will read three questions or comments that
they found most thought provoking. After the large group
conversation around these questions/comments groups will
have 15 more minutes to discuss possible changes.