Building Background
Design Inventions The purpose of
this activity is to allow students to analyze varied
aspects of the design process.
1. Tell your students that
they are going to participate in a “
Think-Pair-Share” activity. The purpose of this
activity is to give students an opportunity to reflect on a
concept individually, to share their thoughts with a peer,
and finally, to participate in large-group discussion.
First, ask your students to write responses to the
following prompts:
• What do you think is
the most important item that was designed in the last
hundred years?
• What do you think is most
important design innovation that benefits humanity?
• What do you think is the most important
design innovation that benefits you personally?
the class into pairs, and ask the students to share their
responses to the prompts.
After the students have had an
opportunity to talk with a peer, invite them to share their
responses with the entire class.
Lead a class discussion
using the following questions as guidelines:
Did your opinions change after hearing your
classmates’ ideas?
• What were the
different ways that people evaluated important designs?
Steps for Learning
Who Will Benefit? The
purpose of this activity is to help students evaluate and
analyze how design impacts different people, different
cultures with different needs and wants in society.
Divide the class into small groups and ask them to complete
the “ Who Benefits from Design &
Innovation?” handout.
2. Invite the students to share
their group responses to each question. Compare and discuss
students’ choices. Ask the students why they think
there were a variety of responses to each question.
People’ s Design Award The purpose of this
activity is to encourage students to examine varied aspects
of design by exploring the People’ s Design Award Web
1. Introduce the People’ s Design Award to your
students by visiting the Web site at https://www.
peoplesdesignaward. org .
2. As a homework assignment,
ask the students to choose the design that they think is
the most important to humanity.
3. Have your students share
their selections with the entire class.