Understands issues related to the spatial distribution of
economic activities (e. g. , the impact of economic
activities in a community on the surrounding areas, the
effects of the gradual disappearance of small-scale retail
facilities such as corner general stores and gas stations,
the economic and social impacts on a community when a large
factory or other economic activity leaves and moves to
another place)
Standard 4. Level
III. Gathers and uses information for research purposes 3.
Uses a variety of resource materials to gather
information for research topics (e. g. , magazines,
newspapers, dictionaries, schedules, journals, phone
directories, globes, atlases, almanacs, technological
Standard 7. Level III. Uses reading skills
and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of
informational texts 1. Uses reading skills and strategies
to understand a variety of informational texts (e. g. ,
electronic texts; textbooks; biographical sketches;
directions; essays; primary source historical documents,
including letters and diaries; print media, including
editorials, news stories, periodicals, and magazines;
consumer, workplace, and public documents, including
catalogs, technical directions, procedures, and bus routes)
Listening & Speaking
Standard 8. Level III.
Uses listening and speaking strategies for different
purposes 6. Makes oral presentations to the class
(e. g. , uses notes and outlines; uses organizational
pattern that includes preview, introduction, body,
transitions, conclusion; uses a clear point of view; uses
evidence and arguments to support opinions; uses visual
Art Connections
Standard 1. Level
III. Understands connections among the various art forms
and other disciplines 2. Understands characteristics
of works in various art forms that share similar subject
matter, historical periods, or cultural context
With Others
Standard 1. Contributes to the
overall effort of a group
Visual Arts: Artistic
Expression & Communication
Standard 2. Level
III. Knows how to use structures (e. g. , sensory
qualities, organizational principles, expressive features)
and functions of art 3. Knows how the qualities of
structures and functions of art are used to improve
communication of one's ideas