Building Background What do we Value?
The purpose
of this activity is to examine the value of both
masterpieces and mass-produced items.
1. Explain the
definitions of both a masterpiece a mass-produced object,
as you show an example of each.
1. An
outstanding work of art or craft.
2. Something superlative
of its kind.
To manufacture in large
quantities, often by or as if by assembly-line techniques.
(The American Heritage Dictionary)
2. Show the class
photographs and/or actual masterpiece and mass-produced
items. Ask the class to determine if each item is a
masterpiece or a mass-produced item.
3. Involve the class
in a discussion regarding the value of each item, and how
the inventive and creative nature of humans is reflected in
the objects.
Steps for Learning Masterpiece and
Mass-produced Items
The purpose of this
activity is to provide students with an opportunity to
analyze masterpieces and mass-produced items.
1. Homework
Ask students to imagine that a new M& M
(Masterpiece and Mass-Produced) Museum is opening its
doors. They are looking for one more example of both a
masterpiece and a mass-produced object to add to their
collection. Tell students that it is their job to find an
example of both a masterpiece and a mass-produced item that
deserves to be added to the museum's collection.
2. Ask
students to find one object to submit for each category.
Students may find photographs of the objects online or in
magazines, or they may draw a picture of the object. They
may also bring in actual objects.
3. Tell students to write
a paragraph for each item that explains why the item should
be included in the museum's permanent collection.
4. After
students have completed the homework assignment, select
three students to serve as the panel from the museum. Have
each student show the panel his or her items and state
their case for including the item in the collection.
Students may reference their written paragraph while making
their plea to the panel. Alternate panel members so
that each class member has a chance to be on the panel and
present his or her items to the panel.
5. Have
the class vote by ballot to select which two items will be
included in the exhibit.