
About Us

Molly Greff

[Content Manager & Editor] Molly is part of a team of our clients specializing in helping customers who receive professional services from educatorresourcecenter. She comes to educatorresourcecenter, having spent years helping companies in their content marketing, including several months, traveling through Asia, searching for wifi. Now it is rooted in Ohio, where by law it should enjoy hiking in the Rocky Mountains.

John Lawrence

[Product Manager] John Lawrence is our product manager. Kevin leads the effort to ensure that our services continue to evolve according to your needs. Kevin knows the needs of our customers, initially being part of the team of our customers’ success. He also has a diploma in classical languages, but we told him that he and Courtney are not allowed to speak Greek in the office!

Sara Krumholz

[Writer Support] Sara works with an amazing community of writers in educatorresourcecenter to create an environment of respect, support and stunning content. She likes to solve logic puzzles and argue about semantics. In her spare time, she often meets in the rocky mountains, on the treadmills or in boarding houses in the Rocky Mountains.